Sunday 29 September 2013

McCann v Amaral 2013: New dates with who is attending

Information from Anne Guedes:

October 2nd 
Henrique Machado (journalist of Correio da Manhã)
Eduardo Dâmaso (political analyst) 
Mrs Cameron 
(Mrs Healy probably won't be heard now) 

October 5th 
Paulo Sargento 
Moita Flores 
(Two persons related to Guerra&Paz) 

October 8 
Inspectors Tavares de Almeida and Ricardo Paiva
Luis Nunes, the head of the Central unit against organized crime 
Manuel Catarino, editorialist in the CdM (who seems specialised in juridical issues) 
Journalist and writer Hernani Carvalho (who is doing a PhD on criminology) 

November 19 
Marinho Pinto (bar association president) 
Carlos Coelho da Silva (the documentary film maker) 
Margarida Teotónio Pereira (TVI director of international programs) 
possibly a witness for the accusation (?), José Viega Soares, a consultant in PR who was at the court on day 1 

November 27 
The last session (exhibition of the documentary and final allegations)

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